Happy Economics

Did you know people who are happy at work go the extra mile, give more, have less sick leave and are less likely to leave their job? It’s called Happy Economics and it’s good for individuals, organisations and countries.

What is Happy Economics?

You can read more about it in WorkL founder, Lord Mark Price’s book – Happy Economics. In the book, Mark demonstrates why the opportunity represented by happiness is huge for businesses. The book explains why happiness at work is important and explores the proven links between happiness and financial success, how to recruit happy employees and develop the right teams by being transparent and diverse and illustrates why the role of leadership in delivering the right tone of voice and driving a happy workplace is crucial.

We work with thousands of organisations globally to calculate the Extra Discretionary Effort given by their teams compared to their competitors. We help drive remarkable advances like a 22% decrease in flight risk, 20% improvement in productivity and 9% increase in job satisfaction. 

Get started today.

To find out how your organisation can take advantage of Happy Economics to drive improved commercial performance, book a meeting with one of our team.