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Data & insights

Receive our reports to get in-depth analysis of the key areas driving workplace happiness for different sectors.

Our world leading data

Over a million employees have taken the Happy At Work Test Workplace Happiness survey on WorkL – our site to help individuals to work happier. As a result we have employee experience data on over 100,000+ organisations across 26 industries. You can view the live data on our Happiest Workplaces list.

By clicking on any organisation you will see a breakdown of their performance including demographic groups compared to the scores not only within their industry but also global scores.

Bespoke Reporting

Bespoke reporting

Using our extensive data we are able to write reports on industry sectors, nationally & internationally.

To request one of our bespoke reports please contact us.

Our insights reports

We produce detailed data insight reports on specific topics and sectors to provide an in-depth discussion into themes including:

  • Age
  • Working from home
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Wellbeing
  • Career Development

Within our reports, Data is broken down by demographics including Age, Gender and Ethnicity. Findings are also presented and compared within both country and industry.

Business Insights Reports

Published Insights Reports

To access all of our reports please join our WorkL Business Network

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Our reports are just some of the exclusive resources and services available through our business network.