Join WorkL for Business

WorkL for Business is a community of organisations on a mission to improve employee experience. Join us for free today.

Join our WorkL Business Network to discover and share the latest thinking to improve the employee experience, happiness, well being and success of your organisation.

Free sign up to:

  • Join our Business Network
  • Get exclusive access to our members’ portal
  • Build employee experience surveys
  • Access our business services
  • Receive our latest employee experience research, insights and monthly e-zine
  • Attend our webinars and events
WorkL community

Exclusive Employee Experience Events

Get invited to our events and webinars to stay on top of the latest employee experience trends. Hear from our Founder Lord Mark Price and industry leading experts who will present and debate the latest insights and data on employee experience. Enjoy Q&A sessions with speakers and other attendees to share ideas and network.

Employee Experience Reports

We produce detailed data insight reports on specific topics and sectors to provide an in-depth discussion into themes including:

  • Age
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Wellbeing
  • Career Development
  • Management levels and job type
If you are not a survey customer you can join our business network now for £500 + VAT.
Business Insights Reports

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