The Happy WorkLife Podcast – Finding Purpose: Elliott Rae, founder of MFF on his journey to improve the livelihoods of fathers and the discussion around men’s mental health

WorkL Founder, Lord Mark Price speaks to Elliott Rae – speaker, author, social changemaker and founder of parenting platform MusicFootballFatherhood.

Elliott has raised considerable awareness of the struggles of fatherhood, his book ‘DAD’ is an Amazon Top 10 bestseller and his 2022 BBC One documentary ‘Becoming Dad’ was one of the 20 most watched documentaries across the whole BBC network in 2022.

In this episode hear everything from Elliott’s early career experiences, his time working in the civil service (latterly as Head of DEI Delivery at HM Treasury) and so much more!

Listen to the podcast on WorkLYouTubeSpotify or Apple Podcasts.

The Happy Worklife Podcast - Finding Purpose